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I don't understand free software

Il solito tema ritorna: se tutto il mondo fosse open source il sistema sarebbe sostenibile?
Il solito tema ritorna: se tutto il mondo fosse open source il sistema sarebbe sostenibile?
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Ci provo, provateci, proviamoci. Lancio un argomento: vediamo se si riesce, anche solo una volta soltanto, a fare un discorso costruttivo senza flame né prese di principio né scontri verbali. Pacatamente, lucidamente, leggete. Pacatamente, lucidamente, democraticamente, commentate:

I don't understand why these people think all software should be free. Nothing else in life is. So if ALL software is free... how are software developers supposed to be paid? The US Department of Labor says that nearly 3 million people in the US are employed in tech-related industries, and those employees are collectively paid 180 billion dollars annually. How are all those people supposed to feed their families if the fruits of their labor are not sold to the people who need it? [...] There was a movement that made big gains a number of years ago (and still popular in some places), with the idea that everything for everyone should be free. Wasn't it called communism?

Tratto da LonghornBlogs.

Niente flame, mi raccomando ;-).

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