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Dacci oggi il nostro benchmark quotidiano

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Questa storia dei dati comparativi sulle prestazioni velocistiche dei browser ogni volta che ne esce una nuova versione inizia ad essere grottesca.

In questi giorni è la volta della beta di Google Chrome per Mac. Due siti a caso. Stesso test eseguito (SunSpider).

Da InfoWorld:

According to tests run by Computerworld , the Chrome beta, which Google launched yesterday, is the second fastest of four Mac browsers tested. Chrome renders JavaScript 10 times faster than Opera 10.10 and almost twice as fast as Firefox 3.6 Beta 4, the most recently released Mac version of Mozilla's open-source browser. But Chrome can't match Safari 4.0.4's speed: Apple's browser is approximately 12 percent faster than Google's beta.

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Da cNet/

As expected, Chrome on the Mac is still far superior to Firefox and even its WebKit cousin Safari when it comes to JavaScript rendering. Using the SunSpider JavaScript benchmark, Chrome came in 1.8 times faster than Firefox by scoring 738.8 milliseconds. Safari notched 1,155.8 ms, while Firefox 3.6 beta 4 completed it in 1,330 ms.

L'estensore dell'articolo di cNet definisce il test semicasual, ma tant'è.

A prescindere, e mi rivolgo a chi usa un Mac, avete scaricato e provato la beta di Chrome? Che ve ne pare?

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