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Ciao, sono IE7

Tutto sulle User Agent String di IE7.
Tutto sulle User Agent String di IE7.
Link copiato negli appunti

Su IEBlog c'è un post riassuntivo su quelle che saranno le User-Agent String del nuovo browser.

Contiene anche il link ad una utility, User Agent String Utility, che consente di bypassare il blocco che certi siti oppongono di fronte a IE7 (il browser si presenta in pratica come IE6):

Over the last eighteen months, most sites that had previously blocked the new version of Internet Explorer have been updated, and weÂ’re happy to report that the vast majority of Internet sites are now accessible using IE7.
There are a few remaining sites which fail to recognize IE7 because they are performing exact string matches to look for specific IE version strings. Those checks will need to be removed or updated to accommodate IE7. The Best Practice document linked above provides suggestions.
To enable you to workaround any remaining sites that block access to Internet Explorer 7, we developed the User Agent String Utility. The utility comes in the form of a small executable that opens an IE7 instance that sends the IE6 user agent string. It also provides a mechanism for you to report problem web sites to Microsoft so that we can follow up with the affected site owners. Please download the tool and give it a try.

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